We, as the owners of the cattery of such an amazing breed of cats, are trying to do everything to increase the popularity of the British breed of cats. As such, our cattery provides our customers the following Awards system.
If pet purchased from our cattery receives a title of Champion, Triple Grand Champion, Quad Champion, or Supreme you will receive a refund of $100, +$200, +$200, +$500 respectively. As a result, your award can stack up to $1000.
If your cat got RW (Regional winner) the refund will be rounded up to 50% of cat’s value and 100% if your cat got IW (International winner).
* To receive the refund the owner has to prove that the cat has meet the requirements. 2-3 cat pictures and a picture of his title certificate. Our cattery has the right to post these pictures with the cat owner on our website (goldenbritcattery.com). This system applies only to one cat purchased from our cattery by the customer.